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地址:湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区南湖大道182号 中南财经政法大学(南湖校区)文清楼

通讯员: 转载: 上传时间:2020-12-08 返回上级
  • 作者:童德华¹²      张珂¹*     
  • 单位:
    1. 中南财经政法大学刑事司法学院 , 武汉;
    2. 司法鉴定技术应用与社会治理学科创新基地,武汉
  • 关键词:传染病防控;妨害传染病防控;刑事政策;宽严相济刑事政策
  • Prevention and control of infectious diseases; Hindering the prevention and control of infectious diseases; Criminal policy; The criminal policy of combining leniency with rigidity
  • 摘要:新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情发生以来,习近平总书记多次强调“依法防控”,为坚决 打赢疫情防控阻击战提供有力的法治保障。但是,在防控期间,相继发生了不少妨害疫情防控 的违法犯罪,包括故意隐瞒旅居史,妨害防疫工作人员依法执行公务甚至杀害防疫人员,编造、 故意传播虚假疫情信息,利用疫情哄抬物价、非法经营牟取暴利甚至不惜以诈骗手段非法占有 他人财产等等,使得人民群众的财产安全和身体健康遭受了重大损失,严重阻碍了疫情防控工 作的顺利开展。结合《刑法修正案(十一)(草案)》对妨害传染病防治罪的修改与补充,有 必要针对普通民众妨害疫情防控的犯罪,贯彻落实宽严相济刑事政策的“非常规”性适用,确 保非常时期的社会秩序与安全。
  • Since the novel coronavirus infection pneumonia outbreak, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed “prevention and control according to law”, and provided a strong legal guarantee for resolutely fighting the epidemic prevention and control. However, during the period of prevention and control, a lot of illegal crimes that hinder the prevention and control of epidemic situation have occurred successively, including deliberately concealing residence history, hindering epidemic prevention staff from performing their official duties in accordance with the law, even killing epidemic prevention personnel, fabricating and deliberately spreading false epidemic information, using epidemic situation to drive up prices, making profits by illegal operation, and even illegally occupying other people’s property by means of fraud. The property safety and health of the masses suffered heavy losses, which seriously hindered the smooth development of epidemic prevention and control work. Combined with the amendment and supplement of the criminal law amendment (11) (Draft) to the crime of hindering the prevention and control of infectious diseases, it is necessary to implement the “unconventional” application of the criminal policy of combining leniency with rigidity against the crimes of ordinary people hindering the prevention and control of infectious diseases, so as to ensure the social order and security in the extraordinary period.
  • DOI:https://doi.org/10.35534/cjsg.0101009
  • 引用:童德华,张珂.宽严相济刑事政策在妨害传染病防控类犯罪中的适用[J].刑事司法科学与治理,2020,1(1):118-131.

027-88386177(智库咨询); 027-88386142(鉴定业务);