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地址:湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区南湖大道182号 中南财经政法大学(南湖校区)文清楼

通讯员:皮浩 转载: 上传时间:2023-01-30 返回上级
  • 作者:皮浩     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词:法律;个人信息;手机;电子数据
  • Law; Personal information; Mobile phone; Electronic data
  • 摘要:随着信息技术和移动互联网的飞速发展,各行各业普遍通过对公民个人信息进行获取并加以利用以提供更多便捷服务并获利,这样的行为日益成为对公民个人信息安全的潜在威胁,甚至可能带来关联犯罪的发生,严重侵害了公共安全和人民财产安全。电子数据是当今社会公民个人信息最主要的表现形式,拥有多种且大量电子数据信息的智能手机成为主要的存储载体。案件中的手机电子数据即案件发生过程中形成的,通过手机作为载体以数字化形式存储、处理、传输的,能够证明案件事实的数据。手机系统数据普遍存储着大量敏感个人信息,第三方App种类繁多、功能复杂且涉及大量公民个人信息甚至是隐私 信息。这些数据信息在采集、传输、使用的过程中是否涉嫌侵权,又或者是否有被窃取和泄露的隐患值得关注。目前,手机电子数据已广泛应用于侵犯公民个人信息案件的证据收集和司法鉴定中,但实践中仍普遍存在数据加密、机身数据提取不全、云端数据提取权限不足、删除数据恢复困难等问题。因此, 本文将从保护公民个人信息、打击侵犯公民个人信息犯罪的角度浅谈如何用好手机电子数据证据。
  • With the rapid development of information technology and mobile internet, the behavior of acquiring and using citizens’ personal information has increasingly become a potential threat to the security of citizens’ personal information, and may even lead to the occurrence of associated crimes, which seriously infringes on public and people’s property security. Electronic data is the most important form of information, many kinds of digital information in smart phones. Electronic data of mobile phones in a case refers to the data formed during the occurrence of the case, stored, processed and transmitted digitally through the mobile phone as a carrier, which can prove the facts of the case System data in mobile phones often stores a large number of sensitive personal information, Apps all have lots of kinds, complexed functions and mass of citizens’ personal information and even secret information. It is worth paying attention to whether the data information may be stolen or leaked in the process of collection, transmission and use. At present, electronic data of mobile phones has been widely used in the collection of evidence and forensics of cases of infringement on citizens’ personal information, but in practice there are still widespread problems such as data encryption, incomplete data extraction from the chips, insufficient data extraction authority from the cloud, and difficult of recovering deleted data. Therefore, this paper will focus on how to use electronic data of mobile phones with the protection of citizens’ personal information and the attack on citizens’ personal information crime.
  • DOI:https://doi.org/10.35534/cjsg.0302007
  • 引用:



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