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通讯员: 转载: 上传时间:2020-12-08 返回上级
  • 作者:杜心怡     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词:国家安全;制度变迁;国家安全法治;总体国家安全观
  • National security; Institutional change; National security rule of law; Overall national security concept
  • 摘要:坚持总体国家安全观,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要内容。党的十九 大报告强调,统筹发展和安全,增强忧患意识,做到居安思危,是我们党治国理政的一个重大 原则。其中对国家安全工作提出了要健全国家安全体系,加强国家安全法治保障的要求。自 1949 年新中国成立 70 年以来,我国国家安全法治建设经历了以传统国家安全为重点的法制建 设时期和新时代背景下国家安全法制现代化建设时期两个阶段。其中第一阶段可继续划分为以 维护政权安全为出发点的法制建设初阶时期和以传统国家安全观为出发点的法制建设进阶时期。 在此过程中,形成了国家安全法制建设到国家安全法治建设、从零散的国家安全指导思想到系 统的总体国家安全观、从积极维护国家安全到积极塑造国家安全、从注重自身安全到注重共同 安全的发展轨迹。
  • Upholding the overall concept of national security is an important part of Xi Jinping’s thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that it is a major principle for the party to govern the country to balance development and security, to strengthen the sense of urgency and to be alert to dangers in times of peace. Among them, it puts forward the demand of perfecting the National Security System and strengthening the guarantee of national security by law. Since the founding ceremony of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the construction of the rule of law in China’s national security has gone through two stages: The period of legal construction focusing on the traditional national security and the period of legal modernization in the new era. The first stage can be divided into the initial stage and the advanced stage of legal construction based on the traditional concept of national security. In the process, it has formed the development track from national security legal system construction to national security legal system construction, from scattered national security guiding ideology to systematic overall national security view, from actively safeguarding national security to actively shaping national security, from attaching importance to one’s own security to attaching importance to common security.
  • DOI:https://doi.org/10.35534/cjsg.0101013
  • 引用:杜心怡.中国特色国家安全法治建设历程回望[J].刑事司法科学与治理,2020,1(1):167-178.
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