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地址:湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区南湖大道182号 中南财经政法大学(南湖校区)文清楼

通讯员:胡向阳 张静茹 转载: 上传时间:2023-01-30 返回上级
  • 作者:胡向阳      张静茹     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词:洗钱犯罪;发展动向;监管困难;应对策略
  • Money laundering crime; Development trends; Regulatory difficulties; Response strategies
  • 摘要:自我国《刑法修正案(十一)》明确规定洗钱罪及中国人民银行反洗钱各项规定措施实施以来,我国的洗钱犯罪活动行为得到一定程度的遏制,“自洗钱”犯罪行为也得到有效控制。然而,洗钱犯罪活动仍呈现高发态势。洗钱犯罪活动地区开始由东南部地区向西部内陆地区转移蔓延,跨境跨域洗钱犯罪活动加剧,金融领域和监管薄弱行业、特种行业关联洗钱犯罪突出,新兴产业领域洗钱犯罪威胁严重,洗钱犯罪活动存在线索发现筛选难、立案追诉判决难、犯罪行为分离认定难等问题。因此,应强化各级党委政府带头作用,发动群众监督举报力量,完善相关法律法规,形成全方位、全领域、全行业齐抓共治的预防处分法治体系。
  • Since the implementation of China’s Amendment to the Criminal Law (XI), which clearly stipulates the crime of money laundering, and the People’s Bank of China’s anti-money laundering measures, China’s money laundering criminal activities have been curbed to a certain extent, and the crime of “self-laundering” has also been effectively controlled to a certain extent. However, there is still a high incidence of money laundering criminal activities. Money laundering crime areas began to spread from the southeastern region to the western inland areas, cross-border cross-domain money laundering criminal activities intensified, the financial sector and supervision of weak industries, special industry-related money laundering crime prominent, the threat of money laundering crime in the field of emerging industries is serious, money laundering criminal activities there are clues to find difficult to screen, difficult to file prosecution verdict, difficult to identify the separation of criminal behavior. Therefore, we should strengthen the role of party committees and governments at all levels to take the lead, mobilize the masses to supervise the reporting power, improve relevant laws and regulations, and form an all-round, field-wide, industry-wide rule of law system of prevention and punishment.
  • DOI:https://doi.org/10.35534/cjsg.0302001
  • 引用:胡向阳,张静茹.我国洗钱犯罪总体情况、发展动向与应对策略[J].刑事司法科学与治理,2022,3(2):1-6.


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