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写字机器人签名字迹与自然人签名笔迹重合概率 比较研究
通讯员:郭媛媛 转载: 上传时间:2021-12-07 返回上级
  • 作者:郭媛媛     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词:写字机器人签名字迹;整体重合概率;单字重合概率;偏旁重合概率
  • Writing robot signature handwriting; Overall overlap probability; Single character overlap probability; Partial overlap probability
  • 摘要:目的:本文通过实验研究写字机器人签名字迹与自然人签名笔迹的整体重合、单字重合和偏旁重合概率,探究影响重合概率的具体因素及相关原因。方法:收集50 组自然人签名笔迹,制备写字机器人签名字迹摹本,并使用曲关节型写字机器人和直线关节型写字机器人分别书写机器人签名字迹实验样本。使用PHOTOSHOP 软件对写字机器人签名字迹与自然人签名笔迹进行重叠比较检验。结果:写字机器人签名字迹与自然人签名笔迹均有不同程度的单字重合、偏旁重合,但并非所有字迹都能与自然人笔迹整体重合。结论:影响重合概率的因素有多种,既有自然人签名笔迹本身性质原因,同时也是机器人书写过程中众多因素综合作用的结果,研究与实践中应予以关注并分析具体原因。
  • Objective: This paper investigates the overall overlap, single character overlap, and partial overlap probabilities between the signature handwriting of a writing robot and that of a natural person, and investigates the specific factors affecting the overlap probabilities. Methods: Fifty sets of natural human signature handwriting were collected, facsimiles of the writing robot’s signature handwriting were prepared, and experimental samples of the robot’s signature handwriting were written using a curved-joint writing robot and a linear-joint writing robot, respectively. PHTOTSHOP software was used to compare the handwriting of the writing robot with the handwriting of natural persons. Results: The handwriting of the writing robot and the handwriting of the natural person both have different degrees of single character overlap and partial overlap, but not all handwriting can overlap with the natural person’s handwriting as a whole. Conclusion: The factors affecting the probability of overlap are not only caused by the nature of the natural person’s signature handwriting itself, but also the result of the combined effect of many factors in the robot writing process, which should be paid attention to and analyzed in research and practice.
  • DOI:https://doi.org/10.35534/cjsg.0202006
  • 引用:郭媛媛.写字机器人签名字迹与自然人签名笔迹重合概率比较研究[J].刑事司法科学与治理,2021,2(2):36-41.
027-88386177(智库咨询); 027-88386142(鉴定业务);