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地址:湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区南湖大道182号 中南财经政法大学(南湖校区)文清楼

通讯员:刘珞晰      罗亚平 转载: 上传时间:2021-12-07 返回上级
  • 作者:刘珞晰¹      罗亚平²     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词:法庭科学;鞋印鉴定;穿用特征;特定性;稳定性
  • Forensic science; Footwear impression examination; Acquired characteristic; Specificity; Reproducibility
  • 摘要:近年来,法庭科学各分支学科的可靠性在许多国家都受到了不同程度的质疑。作为形象痕迹比对的一种,鞋印比对受到的质疑主要来源于供比对特征的特定性,同时反映性和稳定性也影响着人们发现特征、利用特征的可能。针对这样的挑战和质疑,全球范围内的学者以大量的基础性研究回应。本文总结了有关鞋印比对中主要使用的穿用特征的基础性研究,包括硬伤、Schallamach 磨损和附着物的反映性、特定性和稳定性基础性研究,以期向相关从业人员介绍国内外迄今为止的穿用特征研究进展,从而使得相关从业人员对各种穿用特征的价值考量和利用有一定的认识。其中,国外的一些研究进展也为我国的鞋印比对研究发展方向提供了重要参考。此外,这些研究也带给我们有关研究空间、学科交叉和学科受到挑战方面的启示,为未来鞋大底穿用特征相关研究的发展指明了可能的方向。
  • In recent years, there were all kinds of doubts of the reliability of each discipline of forensic science in many countries. As a form of feature comparison, footwear impression comparison was doubted because of the specificity of its characteristics being compared, while the possibility that experts find and utilize the characteristics would be affected by its reflective ability and reproducibility. To reply those who doubted, researchers all over the world conducted a large number of fundamental researches. In order to introduce the progress of the fundamental research on acquired characteristics in home and abroad up to now to relative practitioners, thereby make them be acknowledged the consideration and utilization of the value of each kind of acquired characteristic, the current paper illustrated the fundamental researches of the acquired characteristics, including fundamental researches on the reflective ability, specificity and reproducibility of the immediate damage, Schallamach pattern and foreign object. Some of the researches abroad also provided important orientations for the study of footwear impression in home. Besides, the researches mentioned above have brought us enlightenments on research spaces, interdisciplinarity of researches and challenges of impression evidence comparison, which lead us to possible research orientations on acquired characteristics.
  • DOI:https://doi.org/10.35534/cjsg.0202013
  • 引用:刘珞晰,罗亚平.鞋大底穿用特征若干基础性问题研究现状与进展[J].刑事司法科学与治理,2021,2(2):93-100. 
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