The custody institutions involved in criminal procedure have four modes: “department custody mode”, “centralized custody within the department mode”, “centralized custody across departments mode”, “the combination between centralized custody across departments and the third- party escrow mode”. The department custody mode has many circulation links, large custody risks and many custody subjects. The centralized custody within the department mode only exists in the public security organs, procuratorates and courts, and its scope of application is limited. The centralized custody across departments mode establishes centralized management center across departments, but it could not effectively take care of special properties and documents. In order to separate the case handling department from the custody department and the case handling personnel from the custody personnel, and to ensure the value and value appreciation of involved properties, China should adhere to the mode of the combination between centralized custody across departments and the third-party escrow, and set up cross-department centralized custody institutions, which are supplemented by the joint custody of third-party escrow institutions.