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学海问道|Bruno Botta:共襄盛举,擘画未来
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学海问道 | Bruno Botta共襄盛举擘画未来


春去夏至,万木葱茏,生机勃发,南湖之滨又迎来了国际友人。中南财经政法大学司法鉴定与社会治理研究院(教育部、国家外专局司法鉴定技术应用与社会治理学科创新基地)外籍首席专家,意大利罗马第一大学原副校长、远程教育学校校长、化学与制药技术系主任Bruno Botta教授再次莅临中南财经政法大学,为刑事司法学院以及法与经济学院认知法庭科学专业的同学们带来了主题为Forensic Chemical Analysis of Drugs: Structure Elucidation and Chirality的精彩座。讲座结束后,与师生交流愉快,意犹未尽的Botta教授又欣然接受了我校学生记者的简短采访。



Bruno Botta,意大利罗马第一大学原副校长,中南财经政法大学司法鉴定与社会治理研究院(教育部、国家外专局司法鉴定技术应用与社会治理学科创新基地)外籍首席专家,现任罗马第一大学远程教育学校校长、化学与制药技术系主任、有机化学教授,兼任美国斯坦福大学、密歇根州立大学、沃福德大学、斯克利普斯研究所、英属哥伦比亚大学、日本东邦大学、巴西伯南布哥联邦大学、乌拉圭蒙得维的亚大学讲座教授。研究领域主要涉及:药用植物生物活性物质的分离、生物转化、结构解析及合成;具有特定物理、化学特性,适用于分子识别和药物递送的人工受体的合成;具有抑制Hedgehog信号通路的有机小分子和天然化合物的开发与应用。



What would you say about the cooperation of institutes between countries?

It is the best way for higher education. You will have the chance to meet other people. People from different part of the world meet to improve the quality of their work, something that might be harder to achieve working alone. So international cooperation is a must for the 21st century.

As for me, I like China, I like Chinese people. The Chinese people work hard and they are willing to cooperate. And I found Chinese students think differently from western students. Everybody is polite and they respect other people. This is quite important.





What about the joint lab in Sapienza and Zuel?

I was one of the founding sponsor of the joint lab. I realized long ago that we should have a joint lab on top of the existing joint program. It is important for forensic science courses such as forensic chemistry. As I said before, the joint lab platform would allow you to go to Italy and work with the Sapienza faculty and students, as well as our faculty and students to visit here. And we will provide you with the expertise which you may have difficulties to access. For this program, it is important. The joint lab would allow both groups to conduct experiments together. All the facilities and data would be shared.

记者:可以请您简要介绍一下中意法庭科学国际联合实验室joint laboratory)的构想吗?



Do you have any expectations about the coming class of 24 this year?

I would expect the class of 24 to be as good as you are. You have successfully passed the selection process and are experiencing the program first hand. If you did well in the program and you will spread the news and new students will be attracted. It is you that are advertising and calling for aspiring new students to come to this program. This is a good way to achieve good teaching. It is not about what I teach, it is about what you students think about my teaching. If you think it is good, then you will spread the words. And other people would be attracted.




Do you have any suggestions or expectations for the Chinese students who are taking courses right here on ZUEL campus?

I think the courses want to give you the possibility of connection. Lets say for those who are studying forensic law, forensic chemistry and forensic genetics, there should be points of connection (that link all courses together), you should understand what is going on on both sides. Then it is important to achieve the merger of multiple bodies of knowledge.

For the class of 22, who are about to graduate, the suggestion is that after studying so many different subjects and topics, you have to follow what your heart tells you. Now it is the time to make a choice. It is always the most difficult thing to do. It is important to be really attracted by what you study and try to dig deeper. Try to identify the topics that appear more useful to you than other topics. You should have a rough idea of many different issues and you should be attracted to go deeper in 2 or 3 of them. Then you should settle yourself in these disciplines and try to understand it better. And whats more important, you need to figure this out all by yourself.







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